If you missed the Pensacola reunion, you missed a great show.

If you missed the Pensacola reunion, you missed a great show.

The Seventies Era was represent by:

Shelly Bloedorn, Bill Broadwell, Steve Brooks, Jerry Brown, AL Castro, Rafael Coll, Jim Cress, Larry Hames, O.W Holmes, Jim Larkins, John Larson, John McCarthy, Bob McCoy, Chile Roberts, Mike Sakraida, Ken Widhalm. With a significant other supporting cast of Beverly Bloedorn, Kitty Broadwell, Suphin Larson, Arlene McCarthy, Margaret Miller, Paula Moeller, Lucille Roberts, and Janet Sakraida.

Many of the attendees were from the era before and after us. A number of them we were stationed with in other commands. Attendees enjoyed fishing golfing, tennis, luncheons, presentations, photo sessions and tours such as the Aviation Museum. The event allowed us to re-live a lot of memories. To top-off the event off the squadron flew in one of their P-3C aircraft, which we were able to tour. The crew was able to join us poolside for the Luau style dinner.

The devoted VP-4 Seventies Era group who attended the Pensacola reunion, has committed to attend the next reunion and to encourage (drag) a fellow VP-4 Seventies Era squadron mate to the next reunion. If you are reading this then we want to see you in Las Vegas 2002, keep spreading the word.

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